“The Mooncusser’s Tale,” an original radio drama by Lee Roscoe, was aired on WOMR-FM on Halloween night. For the first time in a very long time, the station presented a full length radio drama. The broadcast is now available in podcast and on Public Radio Exchange for any radio stations that may be interested to hear and license.
Here's what people are saying about the "The Mooncusser's Tale":
"We feel so privileged to have heard The Mooncusser's Tale tonight on WOMR. Exciting, lyrical, spooky, tragic, profound -- and so Cape Cod. The characters were real and well-drawn, the writing beautiful, the actors excellent. Also the pacing and sound effects perfect." June Hager, organizer of Wellfleet Open University, Michael Hager, international lawyer
"Great job! The characters and language were so authentic. The history fascinating. It took me back to another time." Jeff Bumby, retired CEO
"Intelligence, clarity, literacy, integrity..." Bruce Henry, Jesuit archivist
"Last night was so enjoyable, gathering by the radio listening to listen to your play. A great way to spend a Halloween evening. I thought it was very poetic and really captured so much of historical Cape Cod. Everyone sounded real and authentic. I hope you have great success with many performances of your fine and beautiful work, Lee." Bill Salem, actor
"Kudos to you on your wonderfully written (I loved the deft language) beautifully acted, and well produced radio play "The Mooncusser's Tale." Neil Silberblatt, founder Voices of Poetry
"A story that keeps me wanting to know what happens next, characters which interest me, and a story which is new!" (Anonymous) newspaper editor-in-chief
"Terrific Lee! We were spellbound." Larry Minear, author, activist and Beth Minear, weaver
“Bravo! Outstanding work!” Jill Putnam, education expert
“An amazing piece of work!” Bonnie Hiller, best selling children’s author
“Fabulous. Kudos.” Kathy Clobridge, political organizer
“Beautifully written, so poetic” Elysse MaGuire, designer
This radio play is suitable for the whole family. Indeed the fictional family is played by a real family of actors! It is a poetic ghost tale that takes place in the sea and sand laden beauty of Wellfleet, Cape Cod in the 19th century and based on old pirate legends.
Teachers, this can be found in podcast and will make a great teaching tool for the history/nature of the Cape! So pass the word! Please let us know if you are interested by emailing us at [email protected]. "The Mooncusser's Tale" would make an excellent YA novel if there are any interested publishers out there!